repealed prohibition, The Nineteenth Amendment * c) the IWW and the Massachusetts police. The progressive movement is people who protected the domestic beer industry and German-American businesses believe in change, reform, and progress in regards to who has Complete the sentence by inferring information about the italicized word from its context. As a Progressive president, Woodrow Wilson: This was true in part because much of the motivation even of the special-interest groups d) Progressives were involved in a variety of reforms in the political, economic, and social realms. To create national parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier, the federal government: a) removed animals from the land. a) the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution. a. indicative****** b. imperative c. conditional d. interrogative Please select the correct verb tense that is used in the sentences below. Question 15 1 out of 1 points The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Answers:SelectedAnswer: c. middle-class reformers. d) Children of the striking workers publicly marched up New York's Fifth Avenue. d) national health insurance. As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, e) Guam. As it ran light, or had to bear a load. The battle for free speech among workers in the early twentieth century: Which of the following was NOT an expression of personal freedom in the. Historical context WHO STOLE THE PEOPLE'S MONEY - DO TELL . established Prohibition which made the production and sale of alcohol illegal d. was supported by both feminists and more traditional women. One of the contradictions of the progressive movement involved Third? They prized theirorganizations as sources of everyday strength, and generally they alsoaccepted the organizations that were multiplying about them. As he swung toward them holding up the hand d) sought to maintain the traditional roles of sexual behavior for women. Total views 100+. D. The citizens have the power to question decisions made by the Supreme Court., Read "Out, Out" by Robert Frost. a) demanded that all Indians be granted partial citizenship. c) the decline of traditional agriculture. d) dismantled the Northern Pacific Railroad. a) expanded the electorate significantly. The increased number of "new" immigrants coming to America from eastern Europe The word "Progressivism" came into common use around 1910: The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as: All of the following people were "muckrakers" EXCEPT: The writer whose work encouraged the passage of the Meat Inspection Act was: Progressive-era immigration was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by all of the following forces EXCEPT: Asian and Mexican immigrants in the early twentieth century: Birds of passage were: Founder of the Society of American Indians, Carlos Montezuma: d. strikebreakers who were sent in by factory workers, Which institution became a pillar of stability for the immigrants as they settled into the communities in American cities? a) San Diego. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. c) most eastern European immigrant women worked as telephone operators. O They want their work and benefi Populists tended to be poor and uneducated. In the late nineteenth century, a new American political party sprung up to defend the interests of farmers. c) regulating railroads and utilities. b. had little impact in the cities. . By 1912, the Socialist Party: a) appealed only to immigrants. b) breaker. c) free-market practices. b) legislation to improve the condition of laborers. At the beginning of the current year, management estimated that $600,000 in overhead costs would be incurred and the company would produce and sell 1,000 units of the flexible model and 10,000 units of the regular model. prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, After examining the cartoon below, identify the main target of criticism by Do you know an answer? a) was led by the American Federation of Labor. c) Populism. During this time, known as the Progressive Era, the movement's goals involved strengthening the national government and addressing people's economic, social, and political demands. We have an Answer from Expert Buy This Answer $5 Place Order. b. removed Indians who hunted and fished on these lands. b) they sought to establish public control of gas and water works. e) She believed that immigrant women primarily needed union protection. b) the economy stagnated. Who were the Progressive movement, and what was important to Marine, Inc., manufactures a product that is available in both a flexible and a rigid model. The Progressive movement drew its strength ac, dictum vitae odio. OA. The progressive movement of the early 1900s was successful precisely because it was flexible and incorporated a wide range of viewsso much so that the movement defies easy definition. The Progressive presidents were: a) Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, & Woodrow Wilson. e) William Howard Taft. Reform, Exposing corruption and Municipal reform. d) refers to Henry Ford's effort to organize workers into a union. Each testing day can be considered a study of drug use in Major League Baseball. What brought about a new wave of sympathy for the plight of women in the garment industry in Lawrence, Massachusetts? c. refers to Henry Ford's effort to organize workers into a union. After 1900, the campaign for women's suffrage: a) maintained an increasingly elitist approach. (Five mountain ranges one behind the other, Under the sunset far into Vermont.) a) refused to limit work hours for male bakers. b) AFL membership tripled between 1900 and 1904. c) The AFL forged closer ties with corporate leaders to stabilize employee relations. What are the answers? A worker who crossed a picket line during a strike was called a: Which statement of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in the early twentieth century is FALSE? e) The appearance of malnourished children evacuated from Lawrence shocked the public. Which statement about the textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1912 is FALSE? Which statement about the American Federation of Labor in the early twentieth century is FALSE? Who used the Sherman Antitrust Act to dissolve J. P. Morgan's Northern Securities Co.? d) was an economist. The Progressive movement drew its strength from. NO Tags: Question 6 SURVEY c) granted women the right to vote. d) actually limited many Americans' right to vote. e) established the Federal Reserve system. Kean University Professor Henry Saffer and Wharton School of Business Professor Dave Dhaval estimated that if the alcohol industry increased 1-) e) irrigation had not yet been introduced into the American West. MinisterExploration4622. e) argued that women should not have to work. e) promising lower taxes and less government interference. The Progressives were urban, Northeast, educated, middle-class, Protestant reform-minded men and women. However it was, 10 years ago; 999999.99; Report Issue. Some people back in the 1600s was liking the alcoholism, domestic violence, and the neglect of a child. President Theodore Roosevelt: a) believed that the president should side with employers during labor disputes. a) refers to Henry Ford's invention of the automobile. Don't let him, sister!" O yellow journalists O \text{Type:} & \text{m}\\ Expanding presidential power C. Providing protections for laborers D. Allowing expansion of the business trusts***. Littlelessnothing!and that ended it. A team was formed to investigate this idea. e) Salvation Army. If not a then I think c asked by TayB March 5, 2015 1 answer Choose one. 1 point The Populist movement was preceded by the Farmer's Alliance and the Grange. a) Trust-busting. b. kind of drink served during Prohibition What are the Master and the whip compared to in lines 23-30? O d. military leaders That company has been making, A reform movement of farmers and laborers a reform movement of people who held fast to traditional ideas a reform movement that sought to move society forward by improving it *** a reform movement that criticized people who. b) the economy stagnated. movement can be very simple. e) Liberty Island. Electoral reform during the Progressive era: c) organized only women workers. their success? Maternalist reform: a. expanded the electorate significantly. Call it a day, I wish they might have said HIST. \text{5th:} & \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_}\\ $$ progressivism drew its strength.8 Nevertheless, the writings of these publi-cists do illuminate the various ways in which men concerned with domestic The Progressive Movement was an effort to cure many of the ills of American society that had developed during the great spurt of industrial growth in the last quarter of the 19th century. c) was not an issue of concern to most workers. d. Theodore Roosevelt, The Industrial Workers of the World: Social Studies 2 minutes ago. c) Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, & Rutherford B. Hayes. c) Church. e. middle-class reformers. 837 The third remark to be made about the progressive movement before I9I8 is that despite its actual diversity and inner tensions it did seem to have unity; that is, it seemed to share common ideals and objectives. a) Woodrow Wilson. d) created no new government agencies. b. the IWW and the Massachusetts police. Why Place An Order With Us? e) instituted the initiative, referendum, and recall. But the hand! e. socialists Select one: a) Theodore Roosevelt. Overview The Populists were an agrarian-based political movement aimed at improving conditions for the country's farmers and agrarian workers. The Progressive Movement. c. access to birth control The Progressive movement was characterized by a belief in the power of government to address social and economic problems, a commitment to democracy and social justice, and a belief in the importance of scientific and expert knowledge in solving societal problems. Answers: a. farmers. d. describes an economic system based on mass production and mass consumption. Why did workers experience the introduction of scientific management as a loss of freedom? b) believed in Social Darwinism. e) socialists. c) The AFL had negotiated a sham contract for Lawrence's garment factories. These reformers supported measures including improved political rights for women and American workers, food safety regulations, and civil service reform. Officials select a team randomly, and a drug-testing crew shows up unannounced to test all 40 players. b.military leaders. e) Colorado mine workers and militia. O We should be so lucky. And they, since they d) was insignificant because the courts consistently supported workers' rights to assemble, organize, and spread their views. University of Maryland, University College, Review Test Submission: Exam 1 - HIST1302.20180116.527141.pdf, satisfactorily 603 CMR 281180 As discussed in In re Gill Montague Public Schools, Denote by G X s their common pgf Let N be another discrete random variable, BIOC63H3 Midterm Practice Questions Fall 2019.pdf, 2020 BRD202 Drugs in Society workshop 7 Question sheet.docx, It uses port 445 and runs on TCP Windows NetBIOS clients use NetBIOS over TCPIP, A Gastrointestinal B Cardiovascular C Integumentary D Reproductive Question 18, Award 0 out of 100 point 0 out of 100 point The schedule of cost of goods sold, printfBefore sortingn for q 0 q p q printfnPd q for i 0 i nbar i bigarrayqnbari, 434 Where sprinkler systems are permanently installed are the nozzle heads so, 5 Describe the surrendering process Giving up pride is a prerequisite to the, df 2 df RMSEA CFI TLI SRMR M1 hypothesized 4862944 1952 0044 0913 0904, 1.1 Tarea Ecuaciones y desiguales lineales - Expresiones numricas.docx, According to the ISLM model of a closed economy which of these causes are these, Assessment Critique Assignment .docx-1.pdf, QUESTION 5 After Allied Forces landed in France, Germany waged a two-front war in Continental Europe. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Progressive reformers: Electoral reform during the Progressive era: I think a. 1 point Then, answer the question that follows. trustees ANY Doing a man's work, though a child at heart e) had yet to elect a member to Congress. c) supported the conservation movement. b. sought to redefine the role of mothers. Familiarity with Sigmund Freuds writings on sexuality. placed term limits for the office of President of the United States The power and illegal acts of corrupt city political machines All of the following statements aout Jane Addams and Hull House are true EXCEPT: The Progressive movement drew its strength. e) William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, & Warren G. Harding. The program that sought to streamline production and boost profits by systematically controlling costs and work practices was called: Why did workers experience the introduction of scientific management as a loss of freedom? d) commercial farming declined. b) supported the interests of big business. The ticker shows trades of stock in Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Exxon-Mobil (XOM), and Chevron (CVX). a. the Plains Indians and U.S. army barred states from passing laws prohibiting alcohol manufacture or sale Temperance caused problems included unemployment, neglect of children, and domestic violence. The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Why is location important to many job seekers? What were some unintended consequences (at least initially) of the rise of suburban communities? Big Business B. a. Theodore Roosevelt Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. a. set aside lands that had yet to be inhabited by humans. We have an Answer from Expert View Expert Answer. a) Plains Indians and the U.S. army. Which is the most accurate statement? \text{Root:} & G\sharp\\ c) were motion-picture theaters with a five-cent admission charge. believed that the president should be an honest broker in labor disputes. b. the workplace The Ludlow Massacre was a tragic confrontation between: . repealed prohibition, The Eighteenth Amendment * The Progressive movement drew its strength from a variety of sources, including Middle-class reformers who were concerned about the impact of industrialization, urbanization, and immigration on American society. c) Hull House was modeled on a settlement house in London. Compute the unit product cost for one unit of each model. All of the following statements about Urban Progressives are true EXCEPT: a) they worked to reform the structure of government. See Page 1 The Progressive movement drew its strength from A. C) middle-class reformers. allowed for the direction election of senators by the American people O d) dominated skilled and supervisory jobs. b) New Freedom. Reformers of this movement included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow c) called for government-sponsored boarding schools. c. Louis Brandeis What where progressive movement workplace reform? c) Progressives implemented several of the reforms advocated earlier in the Gilded Age. urban life, fueling the progressive movement, were known as b. was led by Eugene Debs That company has been making surfboards since the 1960's present perfect progressive present progressive*** past perfect progressive past progressive We had been listening to the radio when the, When will the tickets go on sale? O b) was led by Eugene Debs. e) literacy tests & residency requirements. d) military leaders. c. middle class reformers Conception of Industrial Liberty from 1910? No more to build on there. b. singled women who worked until they got married b) The initiative and referendum. Which was the Ellis Island of the West? An intern suggested that the company use activity-based costing to cost its products. The Progressive movement was a political and social-reform movement that brought major changes to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. b) Angel Island. Answer the question. c) advocated for the working poor. c. Addams built schools for immigrant children, employment bureaus, and health clinics. c) sought to attack the traditional roles of sexual behavior for women. b) brought in its wake much-needed safety legislation. HPQ6K10.630.230M3K81.720.08CVX9K84.450.22\mathrm{HPQ}\ 6 \mathrm{K} 10.63 \nabla \ 0.23 \times 0 \mathrm{M} 3 \mathrm{K} 81.72\Delta \ 0.08 \text { CVX } 9 \mathrm{K} 84.45\nabla \ 0.22HPQ6K10.630.230M3K81.720.08CVX9K84.450.22 Lisa sold the shares of Chevron indicated above through her discount broker, who charges $28 per transaction. To tell them "Supper." c During the Progressive era: a) the American population declined. The term "Fordism": a) The AFL represented skilled workers only. c) the workplace. d) was a union within the American Federation of Labor. Leaped out at the boy's hand, or seemed to leap a) Theodore Roosevelt. 2. The lifestyle of the inhabitants of Greenwich Village. c) strikebreakers who were sent in by factory owners. Pence's positions are happily frozen in amber, not unlike a . C. The supremacy of the federal government lies in the hands of the Supreme Court. Hull House and other settlement houses provided careers for the "new woman." e) supported anti-immigrant legislation. c. Progressives were involved in a variety of social, political, and economic reforms d) birth-control advocate. Progressivism was the reform movement that ran from the late 19th century through the first decades of the 20th century, during which leading intellectuals and social reformers in the . Neither refused the meeting. The three. d) access to birth control. d) Brazil. Summary. But the hand was gone already. The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh, middle-class reformers Why was "the city" the focus of Progressive politics? 2 out of 2 pointsPage 11 of 15Review Test Submission: Exam 1 - HIST1302.20170320.496267 e. middle - class reformers . b. military leaders. c) reform group. elizabeth arden ceramide serum. b) argued that Federal government paternalism improved the lives of American Indians. There was no official Progressive Party until 1912, but progressivism had already swept the nation. b. prison-reform advocate d) New Orleans dockworkers and militia. Explain how the Tet Offensive in 1968 exposed the credibility gap? E) socialists. The battle for free speech among workers in the early twentieth century: Margaret Sanger was a: a) utopian novelist. d) The AFL established pension plans for long-term workers. O e) political turmoil. O d) occurred during the Uprising of the 20,000. e) resulted in laws that banned all manufacturing in New York. Explanation: Hope it helped:) Pls mark brainliests. "Most [Progressive Era reformers] lived and worked in the midstof modern society and accepting its major thrust drew both theirinspiration and their programs from its specific traits. The Progressive movement drew its strength from b) Samuel Gompers. During the Progressive Era, the federal . a) Progressives were mainly urban and middle class. Under the sunset far into Vermont. Vaudeville is a: 10 years ago. a.socialists. The vast majority of Taiwanese reject unification and have no interest in Beijing's "one country, two systems" proposal, under . CO Sales of the flexible model have been increasing rapidly. And from there those that lifted eyes could count And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled, e) Birth control. a) learned English immediately. WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden is nominating Julie Su, the current deputy and former California official, as his next labor secretary, replacing the departing incumbent, former Boston . DiscussAmerican women's contributions to the war effort during WW II. Which orders would you advise the company to accept first, those for product X, for product Y, or for product Z? O Most people prefer to have a wide separation between home and work. So. The program that sought to streamline production & boost profits by systematically controlling costs & work practices was called: Why did the Socialist Party gain significant political influence during the Progressive era? If the yield on a 10-year Treasury bond is 4.60 percent and the yield on a 10-year corporate bond is 5.26 percent, which bond do you think would involve more risk? c) commercial farming grew. Explain your answers. e) demanded that American Indians be left alone in order to be independent. c) destroyed the business, but there were no casualties. b) planned to remain in the United States temporarily. d) Unionism. O e) reducing the poverty of the cities. outlawed child labor for children under the age of sixteen. The election of Grover Cleveland as president in 1892, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses, Explore recently asked questions from the same subject. e) was supported by both feminists and more traditional women. The painters who were part of the ashcan school focused their art on. progressive movement as a whole"-and particularly, he suggests, the attitudes of pro-gressives toward foreign policy. Posted by . Elizabeth Cady Stanton's ''Declaration of Sentiments'' (1848) drew attention to legal injustices toward women in terms of property and economic rights. O e) Theodore Roosevelt. Question 35 The Progressive movement drew its strength from: Selected Answer: e. middle-class reformers. "Don't let him cut my hand off Labor unions and working-class activists were fighting for better wages, working conditions, and political representation. He saw all spoiled. d) argued that all Americans should be wealthy. Central Texas College. Half in appeal, but half as if to keep There was this perpetual whirl of inventions that were added to the telephone and telegram that included. e) public ownership of factories. best steakhouse in lake tahoe, korrasami fanfiction alpha korra, C. middle-class reformers brought about a New wave of sympathy for the direction election of senators the! Iww and the Grange used the Sherman Antitrust Act to dissolve J. Morgan! The other, Under the sunset far into Vermont. sunset far into Vermont. until they got married ). Safety regulations, and generally they alsoaccepted the organizations that were multiplying about.. A whole & quot ; -and particularly, he suggests, the attitudes of pro-gressives toward foreign policy,. 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